Welcome to Ferguson Township Elementary
Our doors open at 7:55 a.m. and all children must be in their seat and ready to learn by 8:10. Our students begin to be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. and the buses depart no later than 3:10 p.m. 99% of our students ride buses to school. Our building is locked at all times to provide a safe and secure environment. Parents and other visitors must sign-in at the office during school hours before moving about the building.
Ferguson Township Elementary School has been located at this address since 1932 when the single building housed grades 1 to 9 for a few years before becoming a K-6 and then a K-5 school. It was and, more than likely still is, considered the "rural" school due to all of the farmland that used to surround the area prior to housing developments popping up around us. The original building facade remains the same today as it was in 1932; however, renovations to that old building and new construction were completed August 2011.
Ferguson can now accommodate up to 432 students. The wing along the back of the school is our main classroom instructional area. The wing connecting the renovated section in the front with the new wing in the back houses our multipurpose room and stage. The renovated section in the front has our library, art, vocal music, small group instruction, teachers' lounge and main office area. As one enters from the parent parking lot on the right hand side (facing the building from the street) of the building, one notices that the original wooden floors from 1932 have been kept intact. You will notice the original wood floors in other areas of the renovated portion as well.
The curriculum taught at Ferguson is the same as the curriculum taught throughout the school district. Each grade level has a specific social studies/science curriculum. Our district math program is Math Expressions. More information regarding the district K-5 curriculum can be found on the district's home page under Academics.
Ferguson is like coming home to one, big, happy family. The faculty and staff are very caring and nurturing. We are proud of the fact that some of our school faculty/staff are former "graduates" of Ferguson Township Elementary School. We all take the utmost pride in our school and strive to bring the very best educational, social, and emotional opportunities to each child placed in our care. Children are first and foremost our number one priority. Our decisions are based on what is best for each individual learner to grow and thrive in school. All the adults at Ferguson work hard to create a safe and vibrant place for the children to develop the skills needed to become lifelong learners.
Here at Ferguson everyone follows three basic building rules called the 3 R's: Respect yourself, Respect others and take Responsibility for your actions. Our goal is to have these rules become so ingrained in the students' day-to-day activities that the rules last throughout their lifetime. Through these rules and other activities, we hope our students move on to middle school as knowledgeable citizens of the world who accept and celebrate each others' differences.
Ferguson Township Elementary School
215 West Pine Grove Road
P. O. Box 237
Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868-0237
School Hours: 8:10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 814-231-4119
Safe at School Number (SAS): 814-231-1011 ext 4555
Kara Treweek, Principal