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Welcome to the "24-'25 Intramurals Information site! Letters and permission slips go home to families in plenty of time for them to be filled out and returned quickly. Each time there is a new activity being offered, there are new letters and permission slips sent home. Please use this site to find out dates of activities and miscellaneous information. 
The information packets for skiing will be coming home the week of November 11th. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, the 13th at 6:30 PM at Mount Nittany Middle School that will answer any questions you might have about the program. There will also be representatives from Tussey there to accept payments, if that is how parents choose to take care of paying for lessons and food. The packet is full of information but it would be helpful to look over it before going to the meeting. 
The last page of the packet contains a blue card stock form that must be filled out - top and bottom - and returned to your child's teacher as soon as possible. Please take note of the space that asks you to circle either SKIING or SNOWBOARDING. This information will help Tussey in providing the correct number of people working to ensure that your child has correct and safe supervision. Filling out this form also guarantees that I will have the correct kind and amount of passes that will come home before we break for the holidays.
Please note that Ferguson's day for skiing is Monday and the dates are as follows: January 6, 13 and 27 and February 3, 10 and the make-up date is February 18th.  While Tussey is capable of making snow, there are times when it is necessary to cancel skiing - lack of a base for making snow, equipment issues, etc. Therefore, I will notify parents and the staff by noon on our Mondays if skiing has been cancelled for the day. I will use both email and Parent Square messaging to let parents know. 
Questions or comments can be sent to Debbie Ritter.


We offer the following intramural choices throughout the year: However, these are subject to change based on scheduling issues and availability of coaches and volunteers.


  • Bowling
  • Basketball
  • Swimming at the high school natatorium


  • Skiing & Snowboarding - at Tussey Mountain; fees apply

  • Volleyball - 5th graders participate in tournament


  • Track & Field - 4th & 5th graders will compete in district track meet


  • Participation forms must be handed in for each sport prior to joining that intramural offering. See your IM coordinator for forms when necessary.

  • Students need to be picked up promptly at the end of practice. Repeated failure to do so may make the student ineligible for participation.

  • Participation in the State College Elementary Intramural Program is a privilege.  Students are expected to respect the rights of others and follow the instructions/rules of the Instructors/Coaches for their safety and that of the other children. If a child fails to behave properly,

    • First offense: a written notice must go home for a Parent or Guardian signature.

    • Second offense: suspension from all Intramural activities offered in that season.

  • IM Sessions may need to be cancelled on some occasions due to weather or scheduling conflicts. We will attempt to contact you as soon as we are aware of the cancellation.


As part of the district athletics program, we adopt the same core mission:

Vision Statement

To positively impact the lives of others,

we will develop and support a premier athletic program

built on a tradition of integrity and excellence,

upholding high academic, social, and athletic standards

Positive Performance Pathway

Know and do the right thing

Do it with relentless effort

Do it with compassion and care for others